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Payette Independent, October 1, 1931

On Monday afternoon the Portia club held its regular meeting one at which considerable business was discussed. An invitation was read from the Outlook Club for Wednesday, October 7th, at 2:30. Any one wishing to go or having a car they would be willing to drive is asked to communicate with Mrs. Scott Brubaker or Mrs. A. S. Hobbs, who are the transportation committee.

Another matter that was brought to the attention of the members was the fact that there are still some empty fruit jars at Hogg’s Grocery, which are yawning for fruit for the Children’s Home in Boise.

The Educational Committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. S. Stephenson had charge of a very interesting program. Music was furnished by Mrs. J. A. McMillan, who played two masterly numbers on the piano, and by Darrell Terwilliger, whose violin music was thororghly enjoyed. He was accompanied on the piano by his mother, Mrs. Lillian Terwilliger.

The balance of the program consisted of two excellent papers, one along historical lines read by Mrs. L. M. Underwood, and the other on Child Welfare by Mrs. J. S. Beem. Mrs. Beem’s talk showed much careful thought and a wide understanding of her subject. A discussion was also held in regards to cooking impedimenta and it was decided to hold a kitchen shower at the next meeting of the club.

-Press Correspondent.

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 From November 1927

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