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report problem

Payette Enterprise, June 4, 1925

The annual picnic and final meeting of the Portia Club was held on Monday, May 25th at the Tourist Park. The morning being very cold and threatened rain, so it was decided to have the picnic in the club room at the Bancroft. However, at 11 o’clock it was bright and sunny and all preceded to the park.

About fifty enjoyed the very bountiful dinner after which at 2:30 o’clock Mrs. Helman, president called the assemblage to order and after opening exercises reports followed. The delegates to Emmett reported different phases of the convention and Mrs. Crump, chairman of May Day festival, reported $300.00 net proceeds of the day. The amount was placed in the building fund, which now totals $2,385.00, with a lot paid for.

Mrs. McClure gave a very interesting paper on "Conservation of Wild flowers," and Mrs. Freehafer gave one on "Conservation of Forests." They were listened to with close attention and greatly enjoyed. Club then adjourned until September 14th after which a directors meeting was held to complete the business of the year.

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 From November 1927

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