Original Building Contract for the Portia Club
Between I. C. "Ike" Whiteley and the Portia Club
THIS AGREEMENT, Made this 22 day of July, 1927, by and between I. C. Whiteley, of Payette, Idaho, hereinafter called "Builder", first party, and Portia Club, a Corporation having its principal place of business at Payette, Idaho, second party, hereinafter called "Owner".
Builder, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees with Owner to perform in a faithful and workman - like manner the following specified work, namely: To build a new wood building 32 by 56 feet, ceiling height 12 feet in center and 11 feet at sides, outside height 17 feet in front and ends with proper slope for roof, outside finish stucco, dash finish and inside sand plaster finish, or lime finish at option of Owner, cement foundation and paper roof, all as shown in detail on specifications hereto attached and made a part of this agreement by reference, said building to be erected upon the real property belonging to owner, described as Lot Fourteen (14) of Blocks Seven (7), Gorrie's Addition to Payette, Idaho.
Builder, at his own expense, shall furnish all manner of materials and labor, scaffolding, implements, and cartage of every description for the due performance of this contract, and shall commence work on same not later than the 25 day of July, 1927, and same shall be completed not later than ninety (90) days after said date of commencements, - provided, that Builder shall have an additional Thirty (30) days for completing said building if he shall be delayed by failure of delivery of materials, or by any other consideration or circumstance beyond his control, and builder shall forfeit to owner $2.00 per day for each and every day (Sunday excepted) the completion of said building shall be delayed beyond the time herein specified for completion.
Owner shall stake out on said lot the exact location for said building and Builder shall locate said building accordingly.
Owner may at any time during the progress of the said building make any alteration, deviation, additions, or omissions to or from said specifications, and the same shall in no way affect or avoid the contract, but the difference in cost thereby occasioned shall be added to or deducted from the amount of the contract, as the case may be, by a fair and reasonable valuation.
Should Builder at any time during the progress of said work refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency or materials or workmen, Owner shall have the power to provide materials and workmen, after three days notice in writing being given, to finish said work, and the expense shall be deducted from the amount of the contract.
The specifications and drawings shall be so interpreted that the true meaning and intention of same shall be carried out in the building without any extra charge.
Should any dispute arise representing the true construction or meaning of the specifications the same shall be decided by Builder and Building Committee of Owner, and if they cannot agree same shall be determined by arbitration, as shall also any dispute which may arise as to additions to or deductions from the amount of the contract on account of any deviations from specifications.
After materials are on the ground and construction work commenced, Owner shall carry insurance during construction in an amount sufficient to cover possible loss to materials and construction work already performed.
Builder shall have absolute possession and control of all materials and of said building until completed, but the Building Committee of Owner shall have the right to enter same for inspection at all reasonable times.
Builder shall not do additional or extra work exception on previous order in writing of Owner agreeing to pay for same.
The total sum to be paid by Owner to Builder for the performance of this contract shall be the sum of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000.00), to be paid as follows: One-fourth of said price, or SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($750.00), less twenty per cent, shall be paid within ten days from the commencement of construction, but such payment shall be made only on recommendation of Building Committee of Owner, when they shall find that materials have been delivered on the ground and construction work performed by the Builder to justify such payment; the remainder of said contract price shall be paid in three equal installments of seven hundred fifty dollars each, less twenty per cent, the first installment to be paid within twenty-five days after said first payment is made;
the second installment to be paid within twenty-five days additional and the third installment to be paid within thirty days additional, or at the expiration of the ninth day period, provided, that the full contract price shall be paid as soon as said building is completed and accepted by Owner; and it is understood that twenty percent of said contract price is to be held by Owner pending completion of contract according to specifications, and provided that the construction of said building shall have proceeded proportionately to completion.
Builder shall at all times protect said building against any liens by materialmen or laborers.
Builder shall furnish bonds satisfactory to Owner in the sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of this contract according to specifications.
When said building is completed satisfactory to Owner and same has been accepted, Owner shell refund to Builder the amount of premium on surety bond which Builder has paid for his bond for faithful performance of this contract.
This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
In Witness Thereof, said builder has hereunto set his hand and seal, and said Owner has caused this contract to be executed by its duly authorized officers, in accordance with resolution of its board of directors authorizing the execution of this contract.
I. C. Whieley (Seal)
By Mrs. D. W. Ainey
(Made part of contract with I. C. Whiteley, Builder).
1. All lumber used in the building shall be No. 1 common, except base-boards and interior jams shall be clear finish material.
2. All cement shall be mixed in proportion of 1 to 7, except finishing cement shall be in proportion of 1 to 2.
1. Foundation shall extend 10 inches above ground level, of concrete, shall be 10 inches thick at top and 14 inches thick at bottom and extend 4 inches below ground level.
1. Basement shall be 12 ft by 12 ft and have 7 ft clearance, with cement floor.
2. Entrance to basement shall be at rear of building, with cement steps and lumber sides, door to be five panel exterior door with a padlock hasp.
1. Interior of walls of building to be lath and plaster sand finished or lime finish at option of owner (lime to be extra price), and outside of walls to be covered by 1 layer shiplap, one layer building paper, one layer of National steel fabric and finish in stucco, color to be the option of Owner. All plaster and stucco to be No. 1 materials.
1. Sill plates, 2 x 6 doubled.
2. Outside studding 2 x 6, inside studding 2 x 4.
3. Floor joists 2 x 12 16' spacing.
4. First and second sections ceiling joists 2 x 10; third section ceiling joists 2 x 12; beams for thickness 2 x 10.
5. Roof joists 2 x 10.
1. Two trusses for roof support to be of 6 x 8 material, with steel rods.
2. Roof sheeting 1 x 8 shiplap.
3. Roofing, one layer of composition roofing and one layer of floatine and one layer of heavy composition roofing paper, properly applied.
4. Drainage from roof to be carried off by galvanized drain pipe.
1. Subfloor to be 1 inch lumber.
2. Finish floor to be No. 2 Oak 3/8' thick.
3. Floor under stage to be shiplap.
1. All windows to be metal sash with pivot openings.
1. Front door to be selected by Building Committee of Owner, the builder will pay on expense of door and lock to extent of $19.00, any excess over that amount to be paid by Owner.
2. Interior doors to be 2ft 8 in by 6ft 8in, 1 panel veneered.
3. Back door 3 panels with glass.
4. Four doors under stage, panel style.
1. All interior and exterior openings to be finished with return jams.
1. Openings to kitchen, dressing room and stage all to be arched and finished with plaster mould.
Dressing room, kitchen and stage to be according to floor plan which is made a part of these specifications, and general style of building to be Spanish type as shown on front elevation sketch hereto attached, but as modified by the specifications.
To be located as shown on floor plan, of size to conform to building, with stucco finish and ask outlet outside.
1. Main entrance to building to have three arch openings roof of arches to be covered with tile, same quality and style same as new Central School building in Payette, also copings to be same tile and installed on front elevation plan.
To be of concrete.
Three tile ventilators in each end of building.
All hardware to be of Brass or oxidized finish and of medium price, at option of Building Committee of Owner.
No paint to be furnished or applied by Builder. Walls to be left natural finish, - coloring and tinting to be extra.
Four outlets in auditorium ceiling; three 4 plugs on stage; one outlet in kitchen ceiling; 1 floor plug and 1 outlet for kitchen range; 1 outlet in dressing room ceiling; 1 outlet in entrance; necessary wiring to connect stage lights; light trough and wiring to be furnished by Owner.
One Vitrous china toilet combination; 1 18 by 21 lavoratory; 1 20 by 20 flat rim sink; N. P. fittings; 1 18' cast iron furnace and furnish all pipe and fittings, perform all labor except digging, digging to be done by general contractor.