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The Payette Independent, Thursday, December 17, 1925

The regular meeting of the Portia club held Monday was ushered in by a turine luncheon, each of the 60 members present bringing some dish to set upon the table, which soon groaned beneath its load of good things. After the luncheon which was served cafeteria style, the president, Mrs. White, opened the meeting. When the routine business had been disposed of, Mrs. White gave a brief outline of the history of the club, which was organized in 1895 and incorporated in 1921.

For many years "A home for Portia" has been the goal for which her members have striven. At the meeting on Monday it unanimously thought the time had arrived to make the dream come true. While economy was the keynote of the meeting the members felt that with their lot already bought and paid for and $2500 in hand towards the building much might be accomplished. Bids will be considered and work upon the excavation early in January.

The one detail definitely decided is to be of concrete, and that it was to have the appearance of a real club house and not of a residence or a business block. The lot on which the structure is to be erected is located directly north of the Christian Science church on that section of Ninth street which is known as the Evergreen highway. This location is peculiarly suited for the Club house, avoiding as it does the business district, and yet being equally accessible from all resident portions of the town, be they north, south, east or west.

The building, when completed, will be something to which the women of Portia may point with pride. An achievement worthy not only of the old timers, who first organized the Portia club and made what it is today, but also of the younger members who have so ably carried on the work.

At the meeting Monday afternoon, Mrs. Earl Robinson, one of the new members, was the first to come forward with the donation of ten dollars towards the Club house. She was followed by Mrs. Emma Conover with a like contribution, while several others expressed their intention of helping along the good work in an equally substantial manner.

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 From November 1927

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