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Payette Portia Club

Idaho Club Woman, December 1927

Tuesday, November 1, 1927, marked the dedication of the new Portia Club House, under the leadership of the president, Mrs. Ainey. The new club house is located on North Ninth Street. No simpler nor more interesting plan could be desired than the Spanish type, white stucco with red trim for the exterior and white with a combination of black and orange for the interior. The building expense of this beautiful structure did not exceed $3500 and is one of which all Payette is proud.

The building site was purchased of Mrs. Celia Moss, a charter member of the club. Mrs. Mosss and Mrs. Chase being the only charter members present to witness "a dream come true" - a dream which began in 1895. Mrs. Moss is one of the best-known and loved among the pioneer women. Mrs. Chase has served the club as president and has always taken an active interest in the club and in the building of the new clubhouse.

The new home was all in gala attire with fall flowers and the dedication services were beautifully planned and carried out. In the receiving line were the officers, board of directors, building committee and other persons of distinction. The program was all in keeping with the event of the day, including talks on the past achievements of the club and problems of the future.

Portia Club has had many other interesting and instructive meetings along civic, educational, child welfare and Americanization lines. This year has also been a record year in an active campaign for new members.

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